There are things in this life for which there are no words, only an abundance of gratitude. Gray Burton Wright - 6 pounds 11 ounces [vimeo 27039244 w=700 h=438]
Welcome to Life Baby Gray from justin wright on Vimeo.
There are things in this life for which there are no words, only an abundance of gratitude. Gray Burton Wright - 6 pounds 11 ounces [vimeo 27039244 w=700 h=438]
Welcome to Life Baby Gray from justin wright on Vimeo.
...that Point Reyes is my favorite place in the whole wide world. Point Reyes is a National Park just north of San Francisco and you get there by taking Pacific Coast Highway 1 which is the most beautiful stretch of highway I have ever driven. I have been to Point Reyes two times in my life. The first time was on a trip to San Francisco to visit my good friends Kevin and Lauren. They are the ones who introduced the me to Point Reyes. We hiked the trail the day before I proposed to Lacy. The second time I went to Point Reyes was part of an amazing road trip that Lacy and I took driving my bad 'A' Ford Focus station wagon across the country stopping at National Parks and amazing cities all over the Western Part of the country. Lacy had to fly back early to start a new job so my good friend John Reed met me in Montana and finished the trip with me. We arrived at the trail head as the sun was setting. We hiked the last 3 miles in the moon light knowing we were getting closer as the sound of the Pacific grew louder. The photos pretty much speak for themselves, but this place is absolutely amazing. You pitch your tent on a bluff overlooking the Pacific. The sky is clear as can be and you can see thousands of stars. This is my favorite place.
This is what my feet looked like after hiking the trail in my trusty Chacos.
I busted out my film camera the other day. I'm not really sure what made me do it, but I'm glad that I did. Shooting film is a totally different experience than shooting digital. When I shoot digital I just snap away like a maniac because I know that I basically have an unlimited amount of shots. Shooting film gives me 36 shots. It really challenged me to think about each photograph that I was taking. I was shooting black and white film for this shoot but today went out and bought some Kodak Portra 160 so I should have some more Film posts in the near future. As usual, when I get new toys I use Lacy as a model so I drug her out of the house on a chilly day to do a 7 minute 36 shot maternity shoot. Here are the results:
I like to meet couples at coffee shops. I love the atmosphere, the coffee, and getting to spend time with the couple. From these hang out sessions I've come to realize that sometimes the couple has no idea what I look like and I end up watching them call me on their cell phone. For this reason I've decided to start posting more photos of me. My hairstyle changes a lot so I thought it would be a good idea to post photos showing the different stages of growth. If we are hanging out soon look for the long haired man.
I realized that I never posted any photos from our trip out west in February. Lacy and I went to the Grand Canyon before I headed to Las Vegas for a photography conference called WPPI. We flew into Phoenix had lunch with one of my best friends Sewell before making the drive up to the 'big hole in the ground' as my grandpa liked to call it. I had Lacy snap a photo of me and Sewell, but managed to lose the photos somehow. We were in then Grand Canyon one full day before deciding to leave in order to escape a snow storm of 11-16 inches . We left just in time. We had rented a Toyota Yaris and were driving it down I-40 as we watched cars sliding off the interstate because of the 3 inches of snow that had fallen in just an hour. The Yaris proved to be a mighty snow beast and we made it safely to Las Vegas. Before we made our escape I snapped a few photos. The first photo is a night exposure. The canyon is being lit by the moon light.