Adrienne + Ryan = The White Raven in Alberton, Montana

One of my favorite things about shooting weddings is when I get to work with families for a second, or in this case, third time.  I develop really strong experiences with families on the wedding day, but unfortunately, I don't always get to see them again if they live out of town.  Luckily, this is my third wedding with this amazing family.  The first time I met Adrienne and Ryan was about 7 years ago at Ryan's sister's wedding in New Jersey.  I absolutely love this family and can't describe how excited I was to get an email and an invitation to come and shoot their wedding in Montana.  

I cannot say enough wonderful things about Adrienne and Ryan.  They are both super creative, laid back, and care deeply about their family and friends.  The entire weekend was an absolute blast.  Their deep love for each other was totally obvious throughout the entire day, but you could especially see it during the ceremony when Adrienne walked down the aisle to Ryan.

Between an amazing family and the beautiful landscape of Montana, I had pretty high expectations for this wedding.  They were all exceeded.   So happy for you guys!!