I love this place. Lacy grew up going to Hilton Head, SC during the summer and it slowly became her family's 'go to' summer vacation spot. Hilton Head is beautiful and really low key. You can ride bikes every where you need to go and even down the long flat beaches they have to offer. Sometimes on vacation I take a break from the camera, but we usually have one day where we take some good ol' family photos. I've done a pretty good job of keeping Gray out of girly outfits up to this point in his life, but Lacy and her mom love that type of thing, so I failed miserably as you can see in the first photo.
Fatherhood. It's crazy. My life is totally different and completely the same. I'm not going to try and sum up the amazing experience of becoming a parent or try to put into words the love I have for this little man. All I'm going to say is: "I love him in a way I didn't know I could love."
The Giraffe Photo
Lots of friends have been asking me how I got the Giraffe shot from Baby Gray's photo shoot. There was no fancy photoshop trick involved just some slightly risky parenting skills. I will let the photos speak for themselves, but I will say that I would not attempt this photo with any other child. Please take note of the photo displaying Gray's obvious dislike of the photo shoot. It was definitely worth it....
Baby Gray 1 Month
Baby Gray turned one month old yesterday so we though it would be a great idea to do a photoshoot. I have a new found respect for newborn photographers and was reminded of why I would only do this shoot for my own flesh and blood. Lacy, Gray, and I were all worn out by the end of the shoot. I think I am going to do a separate post showing the outages. There are definitely a lot more out takes with him crying and sliding off the giraffe than there are good photos. Thanks to Rachel for helping out with the shoot and Jordan for donating/gifting the scale and giraffe.